Friday, November 4, 2011

Week Seven: Faith

Week Seven: Faith

Read Moroni 7:26

The Journey:

In this verse, there are some very important characteristics of prayer that are outlined. Take the opportunity to study this verse in detail. Look up 'prayer' in the Bible Dictionary. Make note of the information you are able to learn and let this knowledge help to enrich your personal prayers and make them more meaningful. Perhaps, choose one step that you would like to focus on.

As you pray this week, thank your Heavenly Father for His Son, Jesus Christ. Share with Him the reasons why you are grateful for the Savior. Let Him know what your knowledge of Christ means to you.

Week Six: Hope Through the Master

Week Six: Hope Through the Master

Read the account of the blind man found in John 9: 1-38

The Journey:
At times we may find ourselves in moments of darkness. The Lord has offered Himself as a source of hope and light to help us find our way! This week, attempt to analyze through different eyes a situation that perhaps has been troubling you. Then, take a moment to pray that the Savior might touch your eyes so that you will see what you need to do differently to find hope, and feel His light.

Now take some time to write down some of the good things that have brought you hope and have come to you through Christ. How does recognizing these blessings bring you additional feelings of hope and peace?