Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week Five: He Knows Us

Week Five: He Knows Us..

Read the account of the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-42

The Journey:
Prepare yourself to receive a moment of insight or learning this week. A treasure of knowledge or understanding prepared just for you. The Lord knows us individually, and desires for us to constantly be searching after learning. Let your search indeed be constant. Try to discover, "in ever hour" some heavenly blessing that will bring you closer to Christ so that we may know and recognize His hand in our life.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week Four: Reach, and Allow Thy Faith to Make Thee Whole

Week Four: Reach, and Allow Thy Faith to Make Thee Whole

Read the account of Jairus in Matthew 9:18-26

The Journey:
Think back on a time in your life that may have been particularly trying; a time when you had to reach for the Savior to find strength beyond your own. Try to remember the process you used as you put your hand out to the Lord. Did you turn to scripture study, more meaningful prayers, or perhaps a period of gratitude and reflection?

Decide this week to reach out to the Savior again. Exercise your faith in Him, and reach to pull Him closer so that you might find a greater outpouring of joy, peace and blessings. Apply one of the principles that has brought you comfort before or seek to employ a new one. Allow your faith to create this bridge to allow the small personal miracles to happen in your own life.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week Three: A Record of Righteousness

Week Three: A Record of Righteousness

Read 2 Nephi 25:21-26

The Journey:
Do you have a written copy of your testimony of Christ? Find a moment of quiet and reflection and record your testimony this week. You might want to include your belief in Him, your gratitude for Him, or an experience that has helped to strengthen your testimony of Him.

Obtain and keep a journal of your journey, recording the treasures and discoveries that come to you as you follow this path. These thoughts and reflections will create a record for you, and those who may come after you. This journal will serve as your own record of your path towards hopefully growing closer to the Master.